Edgar Ramírez confesó haber sido secuestrado

El actor Edgar Ramírez confesó en una reciente entrevista realizada por Nicole Kidman para la revista Interview, que fue secuestrado hace varios años.

El venezolano nunca había hablado públicamente de esto, según le comentó  a la actriz. También confesó que fue liberado en el momento en que los secuestradores se percataron que se trataba de una figura pública y que no iban a poder ocultarlo por mucho tiempo.

Nicole se notaba impresionada, mientras que Edgar le comentaba lo vulnerable que se sintió al atravesar por una situación tan traumática como esta y lo horrible que fue pensar que más nunca podría ver a las personas que ama.

Lee aquí un extracto de su entrevista de Interview Magazine:

RAMÍREZ: Yeah, and also to be grateful. I mean, friends of mine have been killed, and I was kidnapped myself once, and the thought I had was, “I won’t be able to see the people I love if I don’t survive this.”

KIDMAN: Oh, Edgar…

RAMÍREZ: It’s the first time that I’ve shared this. 

KIDMAN: You were kidnapped?

RAMÍREZ: I was kidnapped, like in a movie. With submachine guns.

KIDMAN: For how long?

RAMÍREZ: It was for about three hours. But then they let me go. At the time, though, when they found out that it was me, that I was an actor—well, it was a flipped coin. Thankfully what happened, was they said, “No, this guy’s too big for us to hide him, so let’s just let him go.”

KIDMAN: Oh my lord!

RAMÍREZ: The worst thing about being kidnapped is not the violence or the fear of getting killed, it’s the arrogance. The assumption that your life belongs to them, that from that moment on, you’re not in charge of your own decisions. That your life does not belong to you. That’s why I don’t take anything for granted. Being an actor, we live a lot of life. We’re collecting a lot of experiences in the shortest amount of time. Acting has been an amazing way to try to get ahead of biology, in terms of collecting experiences. When I was in South Africa, it was the closest thing to the atmosphere that I felt from Venezuela. The beauty of the people and the openness and warmth, but at the same time there is tension in the air. I had to have bodyguards when we were shooting The Last Days of American Crime.

KIDMAN: Right.

RAMÍREZ: It’s so weird, because the mood of the movie taps into the stuff that we’re reading about, this conflation of chaos and desperation, with the deployment of incredibly intrusive technologies, and with death and hunger in a high-tech world of powerful superstates. That has been the theme in science fiction and graphic novels for decades. But now, you turn on your television, and it’s real. 

KIDMAN: Geez. 

RAMÍREZ: I come from a country that is a superstate. Venezuela is a full-on dictatorship, where they use anything to tighten the grip on society.

KIDMAN: Hearing about your past and your history and what you’ve been through, obviously that so permeates your work. But it also makes me so excited about your future, and I so want to be a part of it.

RAMÍREZ: Thank you. Me too, Nicole.

KIDMAN: We’re lucky to have you in the world. So may our paths cross again.

RAMÍREZ: We’ll hug each other soon, alright?


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